
  • Rest and Recovery

    Although I preach the importance of rest and recovery to my clients, it is something that I struggle to do myself! My mind is constantly on my to-do list, and if I’m not taking action to accomplish whatever is on the list for that day, I feel like I’m doing myself a disservice. But this […]


  • Discovering Fulfillment and Purpose

    I recently went down to Mexico for a nice long vacation – 8 days total, full of rest and relaxation. On all of my past vacations (last year included), I always felt a sense of longing to stay on vacation and dreaded returning to “real life”. Those last few days of trips are normally centered […]


  • Feel Into Fear

    When is the last time you felt nervous or scared for something going on in your life? If it’s been a while and you generally feel pretty content – you’re not pushing yourself to be your best! Fear is truly the “X” that marks the spot for achieving your dreams. This feeling of fear is […]


  • Create Your Own Luck!

    There’s something to be said about trusting your intuition and knowing that you have the power to control your destiny. I most definitely believe that we create our own opportunities for ourselves and pave our own path to our purpose. However, I also believe that there is a force inside all of us guiding us […]


  • What it REALLY Means to Go After Your Dreams

    The easiest thing in the world is to do what’s comfortable – to stay in your bubble of what you know, and to just “get by”. This is especially easy if you have a pretty good set up already – solid income coming in from a regular 9-5 job, the occasional vacations that you take […]