When is the last time you felt nervous or scared for something going on in your life? If it’s been a while and you generally feel pretty content – you’re not pushing yourself to be your best! Fear is truly the “X” that marks the spot for achieving your dreams. This feeling of fear is not in relation to negative aspects of life (illness, job loss, etc.). Instead, it’s when you are putting yourself outside of your comfort zone and pushing your limits, making you feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable but knowing that this is the right move.

Push Yourself

I personally have been pushing myself outside of my comfort zone in many different ways. From experiencing new levels of healing my soul through reiki, deciding to truly listen to my passions and share that with others, AND creating an entirely new aspect of my business – it is scary but necessary.

I see big changes for myself in the coming months, but with each step forward I inevitably feel fear. I no longer shy away from this feeling – when I feel it, I get excited because I KNOW I’m on the right track! Not everything is always going to make sense to other people – the choices you make for yourself only need to matter to you. No one else is going to push you to do things that are scary – you have to take control and know that what’s waiting on the other side of fear is bliss!

Welcoming Growth

I’ve been on the fear journey for quite a while now – stepping on stage for the first time, leaving a job that gave huge comfort, starting a business and putting myself out there on social media. There isn’t a handbook for life, but if there was I guarantee there would be an entire chapter dedicated to being scared and going for it anyway! Staying comfortable and content is not in the cards for me – I welcome this growth and new opportunities that arise because of that.

No matter what your fear is, know that it will all pay off in the end. Even if you can’t see it yet and you want to give up or give in to the comfortability. You WILL get to where you want to be by constantly making yourself uncomfortable. So feel into fear, and relish in the achievements that come from it.