Life seems to be extra busy lately, and when this happens it seems that we are quick to put our needs on the backburner. Whether you’re preoccupied with work obligations, family responsibilities or just the never-ending tasks of daily life, it’s easy to stop doing the simplest of things that make us happy.

Fill Your Cup

The statement “You can’t pour from an empty cup” is SO true! No matter how busy you get, if you’re not setting time aside for yourself everything else in your life will inevitably suffer. By focusing at least once a week on doing something that feeds your soul, you’ll find that you have more energy and clarity to support those around you and flourish in your goals. This can mean taking a walk outside, getting a massage, reading a book, journaling or cooking a good meal (and enjoying the process).

Hustle Mentality

I have definitely felt the pressure to constantly “do it all”. In my mind, there’s only so much time in the day and with a never-ending to-do list, I need to make sure I’m doing everything possible to move my needle towards what I’m working to accomplish. I easily forget that in order to stay creative I need to make sure that I’m still focusing on what makes me happy!

Do What You Love

One of my favorite things to do is to take an epsom salt bath, light some candles and put on relaxing music. This helps my mind, body and soul truly reconnect to what matters and clears my mind in order to feel more refreshed and show up better for myself and my family. I haven’t done this in a good two months – definitely not healthy! We can’t sacrifice self-care for checking boxes off of our list.

I am making it a priority to make sure that I am reconnecting with myself weekly – something you all should also strive to do. Everyone is busy, and everyone could give a million reasons why there just isn’t enough time. Your health and wellness is sacred, and the more you put yourself first the more everything else will fall into place. Sometimes doing less will help you accomplish so much more!