Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to common questions regarding my programs. Don’t see your question listed? Please contact me and I’d be happy to address your concerns. 

My nutritional plans are not diets, they are all-encompassing programs that enable you to change your mindset surrounding food without feeling restricted. This creates a sustainable, permanent lifestyle change through education and my expert guidance. You are not expected nor advised to give up the foods you love or restrict yourself to counting calories or tracking macronutrients/micronutrients.

I accept Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Savings Account (FSA) payments. These accounts may be offered through your healthcare company. You may be required to submit a letter of medical necessity from your primary care physician stating the need for my program depending on your healthcare organization.

Through your initial assessment, we focus on your concerns and goals in order to determine how to reach the results you desire. Your plan will provide you with quick, easy make-ahead meals as well as additional guidance on how to create a system that helps you achieve your wanted results in a timeframe that works best for you.

The best investment you can make is your health. Whatever your reasons are for improving your quality of life, you can trust in my abilities to get you the results you need. 

Follow up session(s) via zoom and/or email depending on program and client’s needs are scheduled upon program sign up. Unlimited email support with 24hr turnaround depending on program. One-on-one chats with client provided through personalized nutrition website portal.

My plans adhere to a whole foods mentality, which eliminates any and all processed foods. You will be eating wholesome meals and snacks made from natural ingredients, removing unwanted toxins from your body. By doing so, you will reach your weight loss goal while learning the skills needed to sustain this change for life. 

My main goal is for you to succeed. I provide the necessary outline for your care starting at the root of your health issues in order to align your nutrition with a “food is medicine” mentality. You will be registered through a personalized nutrition website portal where you will have access to your plan, additional resources and one-on-one chats. Based on your unique needs, you will also receive further tips and guidelines for a healthier lifestyle that will complement your meal plan.

My nutritional wellness plans are ideal for individuals looking to permanently improve their quality of life through my sustainable methods. I understand how important it is to live a life free from restrictions, and my plans offer the solutions for you to create a healthier life without sacrificing your happiness.