I’ve been in many situations lately where doubt begins to creep into my thoughts. It’s an easy thing to do, but nothing good comes from this habit. Imagine if every time you thought to yourself “I can’t do this” or “This won’t work” you instead flipped it around and actually BELIEVED that it will work and that you can do it.

positive thinking

Re-Train Your Thoughts

Your mind is easily conditioned, but you have to put the work in to re-train your thoughts. Fully putting your heart into having faith in yourself is what will begin to shift your outlook and your opportunities. Looking at everything you’ve accomplished (even the very small things) can help you to truly lean into faith and replace doubts that you may have.

For some reason the majority of people are easily swayed into negativity. We’ve become conditioned to think less of ourselves and constantly compare ourselves to others, which only sets us up to fail. Remember that each time you see someone further along in life or doing exactly what you want to be doing, it’s only a glimpse at what will be yours. There is no reason to doubt your abilities or to believe that you are not worthy of your desires.

See the Bigger Picture

It can be hard to see a bigger picture of where you want your life to go when you’re constantly doubting yourself and your abilities. Every single time you have a negative thought about your circumstances, decisions, etc., notice and forgive yourself for that thought and immediately choose to see it differently. Have faith that whatever it is you’re working towards will come to fruition. It may not be the exact path you saw for yourself, and you may be switching gears in a million different directions. But you WILL get to that final destination, and faith will fuel your journey.