There’s something to be said about trusting your intuition and knowing that you have the power to control your destiny. I most definitely believe that we create our own opportunities for ourselves and pave our own path to our purpose. However, I also believe that there is a force inside all of us guiding us to make those choices.

Your Mind is Powerful

Fulfilling your true purpose does not come without hard work, sacrifice and dedication. It will have its challenges and hardships, but all of those obstacles are meant to make us stronger in order to truly become the best version of ourselves. Our mindset is what allows us to create “lucky” situations. When you are putting joy first in your life, you’ll find that people, jobs, and relationships present themselves to you that serve your highest purpose. It’s not that you don’t have control of where your life leads you; your actions and mindset lead you exactly to where you’re meant to be.

The True Key to Manifesting

“Manifesting” has become such a huge buzz word as of late. I do believe it’s possible to manifest anything that you want to accomplish, but too often people think that manifesting means simply stating out loud what you want and hoping that it one day comes to fruition. You have to put ACTION towards your desires – that’s when the real luck happens! Whatever it is that you want, if you’re moving your needle each day towards your goals it will inevitably transpire. That is the true key to manifesting.

Feeling Stuck

If you are someone who constantly feels “stuck” in life – stuck in the same boring job, stuck in stagnant relationships or stuck in your own old stories that you are meant to live a mediocre life…remember that only you have the power to change your circumstances. As soon as you realize this, the energy you put forth to start creating your own luck will be matched by whatever higher power you believe in – God, the Universe or whatever faith rings true with you. No matter what you believe in, know that you can always change course and succeed with luck by your side!

Successful People are Not “Lucky”

When you see successful people and your immediate thought is “Wow, their so lucky!” – this is almost ALWAYS not true. Their success has come from blood, sweat and tears to create and fulfill their destiny. Sleepless nights, countless rejections, doubt and fear have most definitely been apart of that successful person’s journey. But through all of that, they always understood that showing up for themselves is key. My message to you is to go after whatever it is you want in this life. There’s nothing to be afraid of when you know luck is by your side, because YOU are the one who creates it!