The easiest thing in the world is to do what’s comfortable – to stay in your bubble of what you know, and to just “get by”. This is especially easy if you have a pretty good set up already – solid income coming in from a regular 9-5 job, the occasional vacations that you take each year and friends and family you spend time with on the weekends. I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with this. But when you have a fire inside of you that is telling you something just doesn’t feel right, you have to listen!

Meant for More

I have felt for quite some time now that I was meant for more. In all reality, I think I’ve always felt this way but really decided to listen a few years back. I was working as a full-time nurse in the operating room and moving up the corporate ladder pretty quickly. I ended up as the assistant manager in the OR, and I absolutely dreaded going to work each day. My breaking point was 2020 when COVID hit. I’ll spare you the details (for now), but it was the push I needed to finally listen to my intuition and change course.

I have always had a passion for health and fitness and loved finding healthy recipes to make to complement my active lifestyle. I decided to go all in and start competing WHILE starting my own nutritional coaching business. I finally started to feel that I was on the right track…this was it, everything will begin to work out for me.

What’s Hard is What’s Right

What no one tells you is that following your dreams is the hardest thing you will go through. Doubt, discouragement and failures will try to keep you from moving forward. I like to think these are all tests from God in order to really prepare you for what you desire. Success comes only after failing a thousand times (or more).

My favorite analogy for what keeps me fighting towards my dreams is this: Picture yourself driving your car down a dark path. No one else is on this road, and you know you’re lost with no one to ask for directions. After a while you start to see headlights up ahead – the freeway is within reach, and everyone is on it! Your immediate reaction is to jump back on the freeway and follow the herd – it’s what everyone else is doing, so of course you should do it too. THIS is the moment when you need to resist yielding to what’s comfortable and continue down that scary, dark road. Only then will you discover what’s actually possible for you and achieve those big dreams.

Go For It!

I’ve discovered a lot of clarity over the past few months of where I want my business to go, and I’m more excited now than ever. Find what lights a fire inside you and GO AFTER IT! Life is way too short to just “get by”. Nothing worth having comes easy, and always remember that obstacles are just detours in the right direction.