I recently went down to Mexico for a nice long vacation – 8 days total, full of rest and relaxation. On all of my past vacations (last year included), I always felt a sense of longing to stay on vacation and dreaded returning to “real life”. Those last few days of trips are normally centered around enjoying every last bit, because inevitably the return to the “grind” is just plain depressing.

My Epiphany

This is the first vacation where I was actually ready to come home early. Not because I wasn’t enjoying myself, but because I’m so excited about everything that I have going on in my life. From my business to competing, there are lots of moving targets that are all coming to a head in an exciting way! I actually WANT to be living the life I’m living; I no longer feel that I need a vacation from it.

Feeling Fulfilled

This is a huge deal for me. To genuinely love the life I’m living, and eager to keep working hard towards what I actually have passion for is such a blessing. I truly feel fulfilled in my path and purpose. I know I am meant to help others with their health through my business, while also succeeding in my own right on the bodybuilding stage.

This has not been an easy road by any means, and I still have tons of work to do to truly accomplish what I desire in life. But I know without a doubt that I’m on the right path. I have no doubts about the decisions I’ve made, and I am so excited for my next steps.

What’s Possible for You…

I hope this can open your eyes to the importance of stepping into your power and owning your life. We don’t have to struggle or hate the life we live. We each have choices, and while some days it may seem more daunting than others, it is always worth the risk to live the life you dream of.