
  • Toss out the old, welcome the new!

    It FINALLY feels like spring here in the Midwest! I love walking our property and seeing and all of our trees blooming, the grass getting greener and the overall sense of new beginnings. With an added bonus of living near the water, it really makes you feel like anything is possible! Small Steps Forward The […]


  • Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

    Life seems to be extra busy lately, and when this happens it seems that we are quick to put our needs on the backburner. Whether you’re preoccupied with work obligations, family responsibilities or just the never-ending tasks of daily life, it’s easy to stop doing the simplest of things that make us happy. Fill Your […]


  • Create Your Own Luck!

    There’s something to be said about trusting your intuition and knowing that you have the power to control your destiny. I most definitely believe that we create our own opportunities for ourselves and pave our own path to our purpose. However, I also believe that there is a force inside all of us guiding us […]


  • Recharging the Body and Mind: My Two Month Reset

    Why I Took 2 Months off… I started my coaching business based on the premise of creating and sustaining permanent results through healthy, clean eating and BALANCE. I have always believed (and still do) that tracking macros and calories is a recipe for disaster long-term. You can’t enjoy life if you’re constantly worried about what […]


  • Carbs are Not the Enemy

    pasta and sun dried tomatoes in bowl

    You NEED carbs in order to function. They provide the necessary energy you need in order to fuel the cells in your body and restricting yourself can cause severe brain fog and a slower metabolism.