One of the biggest hang-ups I’ve come across with my clients is a fear of eating carbs. Many of us want to avoid them at all costs, or search for products that offer low-carb options. I am here to tell you that is one of the biggest myths in the nutrition world. You NEED carbs in order to function. They provide the necessary energy you need in order to fuel the cells in your body and restricting yourself can cause severe brain fog and a slower metabolism. 

pasta in mason jar

Choosing the right carbs

With that said, not all carbs are created equal. You want your diet to consist of non-refined carbs (whole wheat, beans, veggies, oats, quinoa, etc.). It’s easy to go for the “easier”, unhealthy carbs such as white bread, bagels, and any processed foods with added sugar. Unfortunately, society has made it extremely easy to be unhealthy. But it’s also easy to educate yourself on what your body needs and begin to make the changes to your diet that will benefit you in the long run. 

Educate yourself on labels

Over time ingesting those refined carbs actually re-wires your brain to make you think you’re hungry and causes you to crave more of those “bad” carbs. It’s a vicious cycle, but one that can be broken. Try your best to be aware of the ingredients in the food you are buying. Many times you may believe you are buying whole wheat bread, but the ingredient list will say otherwise. This is a great marketing tactic that tricks consumers into buying their products. If “whole wheat” is not the first ingredient, don’t buy it! Another red flag is an endless list of ingredients. Anything that is natural and wholesome will not have 50 ingredients listed.

Change your mindset

Small steps in the right direction will make a huge impact over time. Start re-creating your mindset around healthy eating. It’s not as daunting as it seems, and you don’t have to restrict yourself from the foods you know and love. Depleting your body from the necessary nutrients it needs will have a spiral effect into negative outcomes. Trust that you don’t have to live in a carb-free world!

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